Life-Cycle Analysis
In line with our ambition to be a leading green industrial packaging company we have invested in the development of an environmental impact calculator, Nefab GreenCALC.
As the first industrial packaging company, we are proud to introduce a multi-material, and multi-criteria LCA (Life-Cycle Assessment) calculator.
How Nefab can help
With GreenCALC we can provide our customers with a transparent and complete analysis of the environmental impact of their packaging and logistic flows.
Your benefits
You will be provided with solutions to improve your environmental footprint, and with quantified data to report progress on sustainable initiatives within your packaging and logistics flow.
How it works
The calculator provides our customers with a transparent and complete analysis of the environmental impact of their packaging and logistic flows. By calculating and analyzing environmental data for packaging solutions, transport phases and end of life treatment, Nefab can design engineered complete packaging solutions that reduce not only the total cost, but also environmental impact.